Recent news
Ts. Elbegdorj, President.
“When Mongolians are asked with which country they find it most necessary to cooperate, 60% prefer Russia, and 15%-20% choose China.
Landmark agreement on Gatsuurt in the offing
Parliament is discussing whether or not to make the Gatsuurt gold deposit a strategic deposit. The licence holder, Centerra Gold Mongolia, has offered to the Government free ownership of a certain percentage of shares in it.
Nobel for an economist who finds the market imperfect
In their, perhaps natural, enthusiasm for the infallibility of the market, many Mongolian policy makers might have overlooked that for the second consecutive year the Sveriges Riksbank prize in economic sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel has gone to an economist whose work essentially assumes that markets are often inefficient, if not worse
Mongolian coal can bring Russia and S Korea closer
Mongolia isn’t exactly what comes to mind when one thinks of East Asian or Pacific economic opportunities, yet for Russia, Mongolia is the key that it needs to unlock strategic relations with South Korea.
“It will not be easy to meet mining’s growing demand for water”
One of the highlights of the “Oil and Oil Shale Mongolia” conference in Ulaanbaatar in September was a speech by B.Enkhbaatar, head of the project to support investment in mining infrastructure development, at a session devoted to infrastructure and the work force.
Michael Jonas: Mongolia’s oil shale reserves are of global appeal
MMJ had discussion with Michael Jonas, executive vice president of Genie Oil and Gas Inc., of his company’s projects in Mongolia. Mr.Jonas is in charge for developing Genie’s business in Mongolia and one of founding members of Mongolian Oil Shale Association.