Mining The Resources
Minding the future
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Recent news
The Critical Days of Tsagaansuvarga Photo by M.Enkh-Amgalan
OT plants saxaul trees to restore Gobi landscape Oyu Tolgoi is shaping a new approach to rehabilitation, firmly focused on maintaining the ancient natural environment. The Mongolian Gobi has a dry and extreme climate and native plants such as the saxaul tree have adapted to the harsh conditions over generations.
Xi, Pu and the USD rate The Development Bank of Mongolia was able to take a few deep breaths after the visit of the President of China, Xi Jinping. The reason was that the China Development Bank had agreed to lend it $162 million, repayable in 8 years at 6 per cent interest.
Inviting you to the biggest annual joint event of the Mongolian geology, mining, and oil sectors The new year will begin with a bang for the Mongolian Geology, Mining and Oil sectors. ‘Mongolian Minerals, Oil Forum’, their biggest joint event ever, and the first of what is planned as an annual event in the global calendar, will be held in the third week of January, with support from the Government.
“We, Russia and Mongolia, have good large-scale joint ventures we have inherited from the past moreover, we have good prospects for the future.” “We, Russia and Mongolia, have good large-scale joint ventures we have inherited from the past moreover, we have good prospects for the future.” Vladimir Putin, Russian president.
Seimens has plans to be Mongolia’s development partner German engineering giant Siemens recently organised Siemens Industry Day Mongolia 2014 in Ulaanbaatar to mark the 10th anniversary of the opening of its Mongolia office.
Conference brings Mongolia closer to clean coal With prices falling globally and demand in China declining, coal miners in the country have had a rough time in recent years but even then, there is no argument about the continued importance of coal in the economy of Mongolia, and of its primacy as an export item.
MONGOLIA’S DILEMMA: should its loans be commercial or political? The World Bank declared in 2012 that with a rise in its per capita GNI (Gross National Income) Mongolia had become a middle income country, leaving behind its place among those in the low income category. Along with this came an end to an era of loans and grants from international financial organisations and donor countries.
No decision yet on State ownership in Tsagaansuvarga Uncertainty surrounds the development of the Tsagaansuvarga copper project, halted by its owners Mongolyn Alt (MAK) for lack of funds after completing 45% of the construction schedule.
“Our crisis is of our own making” Kh.Enkhsaikhan, President of Mongolian Association of Metal Producers, tells MMJ much of the crisis in the country’s mineral sector is homemade.
“We work for local and national development” S.Bold-Erdene talks to D.Otgonbayar, deputy director at Bold Tumur Eruu Gol LLC.
Some more on paying some ‘a lot’ more Some idle browsing during the Naadam break brought me to the text of a stunningly good speech –and all the more so because quite unexpected -- Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, made at the Conference on Inclusive Capitalism – for many, an oxymoron – recently organised by the Financial Times.
“The new law supports the private sector and reduces bureaucracy” Ch.Otgochuluu, Head of Strategy and Policy Planning at the Ministry of Mining, talks to S.Bold-Erdene on what lies ahead, now that the long awaited amendments to the Minerals Law have been approved.
Invest Mongolia-Frontier’s 8th annual, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Invest Mongolia-Frontier’s 8th annual, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Mining and Construction Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Mining and Construction Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Discover Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Discover Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
China Gold Congress and Expo, Beijing, China China Gold Congress and Expo, Beijing, China
Drill & Blast Masterclass 2014 Drilling and blasting is a critical component in all major extractive industries throughout the world. As a constantly revolving niche market in the extractive industry, this training will ensure the participants are kept abreast of the latest in drill and blast theories and practical applications.
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