Mining The Resources
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Mongolia Mining 2014, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Mongolia Mining 2014, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
13th Clean Coal Forum, Beijing, China 13th Clean Coal Forum, Beijing, China
Join in the Clean Coal Case Study with SINOPEC Produced by CDMC Events, The 13th Clean Coal Forum 2014 will be held on June 12,13, 2014 in Beijing, China. We are glad to invite Experts from SINOPEC to discuss Existing Problems in Present Coal Chemical Industry which will focus on Usage of Lignite Selection of applicable coal gasification technology Coal chemical industry VS. Environmental carrying capability Development of coal chemical perspective: construction and competition and etc.
STATE MINERALS POLICY 2014-2025 1.1. “State Minerals Policy” focuses on providing national primary interests by developing conspicuous and responsible mining relied upon private sector, in addition it will aim to develop multisectored and balanced economic structure in the short and mid-term.
MINETECH 2014, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia MINETECH 2014, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
OT waits for a brave and bold stroke The European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has once again deferred releasing funds for expansion of the underground mine at Oyu Tolgoi, from February 27 to March 31. That will also be when 15 commercial banks decide whether to defer the funding or even to cancel the financing deal.
Newera Resources to begin drilling at Ulaan Tolgoi Newera Resources is poised to start 2,000 metres of diamond drilling to test for potential coal deposits underlying five seismic lines that have produced positive results at its Ulaan Tolgoi coking coal project. In the first of two phases, it plans to drill two diamond holes of about 300 metres each into the best prospects identified as a precursor to the 1,400-metre second phase.
MONGOLIA NEEDS TRANSPARENT EXPORT PRACTICES D.Galsandorj, President of the Mongolian Exporters’ Association, consultant mining engineer and professor, talks to B.Tugsbilegt about the erosion in Mongolian mineral products’ export competitiveness and suggests corrective measures to be undertaken.
Nalaikh mine today…


Photo report by B.Rentsendorj (GAMMA agency)

Chinese artisanal gold miners were active during the Bogd Khans’ reign in Mongolia, transporting their output to the Ikh Khuree. Then they established a big mine in 1920.

The Nalaikh mine began operation after the technical reforms in 1954-1958, and continued to work until mining was stopped under the Fuel, Energy, Geology and Mining Minister’s Resolution 111, issued on January 15, 1995.

Incheon comes up with the Future City The motto of The Incheon Free Economic Zone is “We Build Success”. L.Bolormaa reports on how South Korea is building its Future City.
Mongolia sets gold extraction target for 2014 at 31 tons Minister of Economic Development N.Batbayar, Minister of Mining D.Gankhuyag and Mongol Bank Governor N.Zoljargal recently met representatives of gold miners to discuss how the goal of extractingone million ouncesor 31 tons of gold this year could be met.
Recalling when miners made a massive misjudgement Any writer – barring the meanest hack and maybe authors of potboilers in the original sense (and I presume to exclude myself from fellowship with either) – is encouraged by feedbacks, appreciative or even otherwise,
Tweaking the Minerals Law to fit the new State Policy Following the recent adoption by Parliament of the State Policy on the Minerals Sector, the current Minerals Law will have to be amended, to incorporate features of the new policy, but analysts expect the changes will not be many and will also be minor in nature. A working group has been established at the Ministry of Mining to recommend likely amendments and it is now making its own study, as well as asking professional organisations and experts for suggestions.
Erdene “extremely pleased” with Altan Nar assay results In a statement accompanying the release by Erdene Resource Development Corp. of the final assay results for its Q4 2013 trenching programme at the Altan Nar gold-polymetallic project, the company’s President and CEO, Peter Akerley, has said, “We are extremely pleased with the results.
State-owned entities must have operational freedom G. Temuulen, Executive Director of Erdenes MGL, tells S. Bold-Erdene freedom from Government control is the key to the commercial success of any State-owned company. If necessary, there should be a legal bar on any form of Government involvement in a company’s daily work.
PDAC, Toronto, Canada PDAC, Toronto, Canada
Mongolia Economic Forum 2014, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Mongolia Economic Forum 2014, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Miner and Supplier 2014, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Miner and Supplier 2014, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Global Coal Summit, Bali, Indonesia Global Coal Summit, Bali, Indonesia
Asia Mining Congress, Singapore Asia Mining Congress, Singapore
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