Mining The Resources
Minding the future
Эрдсийг эрдэнэст
Ирээдүйг өндөр хөгжилд
Recent news
No E-TT IPO in 2013 The Tavan Tolgoi coal project is facing financial difficulties and an initial public offering for the mine originally scheduled for this year will not go ahead, its chief executive has said. Ya.
Mongolia tapping Shenhua to replace Chalco Mongolian ambassador Ts. Sukhbaatar has said his country is reaching out to China’s largest coal producer China Shenhua Energy in an effort to break a deadlock over the terms of the souring coal supply deal with Chalco. The impasse has led in part to Tavan Tolgoi being unable to continue to pay for the logistical operations of transporting and exporting the coal to China, he said.
Draft mineral law “breaks new ground” Ch.Unurbayar, Legal Policy Advisor to the President of Mongolia, explains the principles behind the draft mineral law while answering questions from the Mongolian Mining Journal.
Good start to discussion on draft law, as inputs pour in The importance attached to the discussion of the Draft Mineral Law on January 18 was obvious from the fact that the venue, a meeting room on the 3rd floor of Blue Sky Tower, was full half an hour before its scheduled start at 9.30 am.
Incorrigible corruption As if two quotes as epigraph are not enough, I begin the text of the column with yet another, this one Mongolia-specific: “Mainstream media can’t stop fixating on a ‘corrupt’ (is there really any other kind?) government and the (yawn) Oyu Tolgoi negotiations.” My apologies for not being able to attribute this, but I cannot recollect where I read it, though it was quite recently.
Mongolia’s moment What has been going on in Mongolia is unique, and it has been on my mind ever since it began. What’s important, however, is that we focus on what this means on the street.
Aspire and Noble in “game changing” deal Aspire Mining has snared a major deal with Noble Group that will provide significant support for the development of the Ovoot Coking Coal Project.
13th Coaltrans USA Miami, USA 13th Coaltrans USA Miami, USA
Southeast Asia Mining Summit Jakarta, Indonesia Southeast Asia Mining Summit Jakarta, Indonesia
2nd Global Mining Water Management 2013 Initiative Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 2nd Global Mining Water Management 2013 Initiative Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
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