Mining The Resources
Minding the future
Эрдсийг эрдэнэст
Ирээдүйг өндөр хөгжилд
Recent news
“As of now, it is vital to have a railway to the South” D.Damba, President of the Mongolian National Mining Association, talks to G.Ider on various issues in the mining sector. The Minerals Ministry, Government agencies, NGOs all plan to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the mining industry in Mongolia. How will your Association observe the landmark?
MMC starts operating second module of coal handling plant at UkhaaKhudag Mongolian Mining Corp. (MMC) has received the State Commission’s approval to begin operations at the second module of its coal handling and preparation plant at UkhaaKhudag coking coal mine. Construction took approximately 14 months and cost USD 91 million, as estimated. Sedgman Ltd. of Australia was responsible for design, procurement of materials and construction management.
Boroo Gold explains its heap leaching technology at seminar Boroo Gold LLC recently hosted a seminar on the use of geo membrane materials to explain its heap leaching technology to miners and also to promote it among the public. The emphasis was on the environmental and economic benefits of the technology that was first studied and tested by Boroo Gold in 2006, with pilot operations being completed in 2009.
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