Эрдсийг эрдэнэст
Ирээдүйг өндөр хөгжилд
Mining The Resources
Minding the future

Mongolia calls for new multilateralism to instal reformed global governance structure

The following is a slightly edited version of the text of President Ts. Elbegdorj’s address at the 64th session of the UN General Assembly late in September. 

The challenges we face as a human family are unprecedented indeed. No nation, no country is left immune to the ruthless clutches of the multitude of global crises: economy and finance,
fuel and food, flu pandemic and climate change.

These and other global challenges require global solutions underpinned by a new multilateralism. Multilateralism that is effective, proactive and commensurate to the existing demands. Never has the world needed an effective multilateralism as we do now. The Secretary-General has rightly put it, “This is the ultimate multilateral moment.“
Mongolia highly commends the strong leadership of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon towards making the world organization the centre of the new multilateralism. We also applaud his unwavering commitment to mobilizing broad political support in addressing the pressing challenges of today.

His initiative brought together an unprecedented gathering of world leaders on the 22nd of this month. It provided the necessary political impetus for Copenhagen. I have been both humbled and honoured to serve as one of the Co-Chairs of the round tables. We all agreed that in Copenhagen we must reach the long-awaited agreement. The political will was clearly displayed. The deal must be within our grasp.

Climate change poses a truly existential threat to humanity. As a country intimately affected by climate change, Mongolia deems it important to complement the global efforts with those at the regional and sub-regional levels. With that in mind we proposed to have a Northeast Asia Summit on Climate Change. A series of preparatory meetings were held over the last two years, including experts’ and youth meetings along with senior officials’ and Ministerial meetings last March and May respectively.
It has become increasingly evident that extensive effects of climate change have already occurred in most parts of the sub-region. It has become more exposed to drought, desertification,
land degradation, increased occurrence of natural disasters, melting of permafrost, glaciers and snow covers, and reduced water resources.

As a result, poverty, food shortage and spread of infectious diseases would increasingly affect the sustainable development of the countries in the region. Thus, the urgent need to take joint efforts to redress the situation, mitigate risks and enhance their adaptive capacity. We remain hopeful that the countries in the region will continue their active engagement in the preparations in the run-up to the Summit next year.
Allow me to share briefly our views on issues we deem important as we collectively seek to identify effective responses to global crises.
First, my delegation believes that the multiple nature of the crises has to be taken into account in order to find an adequate response at the global level. This in itself is a daunting task demanding from us the courage to rise above simply national and/or group interests in order to collectively survive in our one-global-human village.
Second, in all our policies and actions we need to focus on people, on the human costs of overcoming the dire consequences of multiple crises.

According to the World Bank’s latest report released last week the ongoing global economic, financial and food crises plunged hundreds of millions additionally into the iron grip of poverty, hunger, and unemployment. More, and more coordinated, efforts are needed for the effective implementation of the Almaty Program of Action and MDGs.
Third, marginalization and inadequate representation of the developing world in global decision-making is another drawback to the strength of the new multilateralism. Thus, the need for a reformed global governance structure. Mongolia believes that with its impartiality and universal legitimacy the United Nations is uniquely placed to serve as a centre of the new multilateralism.

Our world organization has embarked on a process of reform in order to better respond to the multi-faceted challenges. Important progress has been made in several reform areas, yet more efforts are needed to adapt the United Nations to the realities of the 21st century.
Here, we expect the General Assembly negotiations on the Security Council reforms to make a meaningful progress at this session by meeting the demands of the overwhelming majority of member states to expand the Council in both permanent and non-permanent categories.

A revitalized General Assembly, increased role of the ECOSOC in global economic governance, enhanced UN capacity in democracy and peace-building are also needed. Mongolia fully supports Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s efforts to improve the management, efficiency and internal cohesion of the United Nations system.
With a view to making our humble contribution to promoting an effective international cooperation in economic, social and related fields Mongolia has proposed its candidature to the membership of ECOSOC for the term 2010-2012 at the election next month. We are deeply grateful to our fellow members in the Asian Group for their endorsement of our candidature and look forward to the kind support of the larger membership of the United Nations.

Fourth, in order to find effective solutions to global crises we need to do away with the triple deficits, namely:
- deficit of political will and commitment,
- deficit of implementation and
- deficit of resources
that all too often have impeded the pursuit of our common efforts. Those are some of the issues that, in our view, warrant the kind consideration by the international community in order to formulate our collective approach to the pressing challenges at hand.
Mongolia has continuously based its foreign policy on an active participation in multilateral cooperation through the UN. Our engagement has been ranging from non-proliferation and disarmament to promoting democracy and literacy, from addressing the special needs of LLDCs to responding to climate change and contributing to peacekeeping operations, programs and funds.

As a Northeast Asian nation with an internationally recognized nuclear-weapon-free status, Mongolia stands for a nuclear-weapon-free Korean Peninsula. Achieving a comprehensive solution to the nuclear issue through dialogue is of utmost importance. We hope that all countries concerned will look into the future in the interests of peace and stability in the region. We stand ready to contribute to this effort.

Yesterday the international community has witnessed another strong signal in strengthening multilateralism, particularly in the area of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. The Security Council’s summit chaired by President Obama confirmed the path towards a world free of nuclear weapons in its historic resolution.
Next year will mark the tenth anniversary of the renowned Brahimi Report, which charted a renewed vision for UN peacekeeping operations. We are proud that Mongolia has joined the ranks of active members of the UN peacekeeping family. With its latest deployment of the battalion to MINURCAT, Chad, we are becoming one of the top 20 troop contributors. Mongolia stands committed to enhancing its contribution, including through hosting training for civil police and medical personnel at its PKO training centre.

Later this year we will observe the 20th anniversary of our country and people becoming stakeholders in a successfully restored democracies process.
For the past almost five decades since Mongolia became member of the United Nations, our multi-faceted cooperation has made a valuable contribution in our development. I am pleased to underscore that it received considerable boost by the official visit of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon last July to Mongolia. We will closely work with the United Nations to ensure an effective follow-up to the visit.
In conclusion, may I reiterate Mongolia’s strong resolve to continue its active participation in multilateral cooperation? We will spare no effort to ensure that the world organization remains a centre for coordination of the effort of the community of nations toward peace and development in the years to come.