“The draft agreement has been formulated within the law and by Mongolian professionals according to recommendations made by standing committees and others. I am satisfied with the qualifications of these professionals and with the quality of the agreement. They have done a good job of preparing a competent business document. I do not accept the criticism that the agreement does not serve the national interest. I am willing to bear the political and other responsibilities of supporting the agreement.“
S.Bayar, Prime Minister
“Robert Friedland thought Mongolia is a country with people who ride horses and camels and it would be enough to talk with some officials to get what he wanted. He was wrong. We are a country with a history of thousands of years and are not to be manipulated like some remote islanders wearing only a loincloth. There are so many young Mongolians who are much better educated than Friedland. Mongolia does not need an investor who humiliates us and thinks he can do anything here.“
Z.Enkhbold, DP MP.
“With this investment agreement, we shall see if we are an open and free economy. The world will survive with or without Oyu Tolgoi and Tavan Tolgoi, but for us Mongolians, these Tolgois mean a lot. They are our gateway to a new economy.“
D.Ganbold, President, Mongolian National Mining Association.
“Why are some people so concerned about Rio Tinto’s departure from Mongolia as foreign investor in Oyu Tolgoi? There are many other mining companies in the world. In any case I am confident that the company will not leave Mongolia since it has already made a huge investment in the project.“
Ts.Davaasuren, MPRP MP.
“This was the first time Parliament was discussing such a investment agreement and it was obvious that a plenary session was not the right forum for the job, given the attention to detail required by its complexity and ramification. That is why it entrusted the responsibility to the Government.“
Ts.Bayarsaikhan, DP MP and head of the Standing Committee on the Economy.
“If Government agrees to waive taxes for the Oyu Tolgoi investors at their bidding, it would appear Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia has taken over as the country’s tax regulating authority... The law gives 34% ownership to whoever discovers a reserve with their own expense. Under which law is the investor company’s share being fixed at 66 percent?“
Ch.Khurelbaatar, MPRP MP and head of the Standing Committee on the Budget.
“It seems Parliament is being asked to exchange its power to impose taxes for the right to withdraw them so that Mongolia can become a tax free country.“
N.Batbayar, DP MP.
“We have been discussing this investment agreement for such a long time now that everybody in Mongolia talks as if they are professional geologists and miners.“
O. Chuluunbaat, MPRP MP.
“Our Parliament approved a policy to encourage foreign investors and quite a few came. We should not be harassing those we invited on our own.“
Ts.Nyamdorj, MPRP MP.
“Shall we have a contract based on our laws or shall we change our laws to have a contract? The Oyu Tolgoi agreement is becoming ger than our laws. It is about to usurp the rights of Government and Parliament.“
D.Zagdjav, MPRP MP.
“Parliament cannot in any fairness pass the buck to the Government to reach an agreement, and at the same time hamstring it by retaining impossible conditions in the agreement. Pushing the Government while leaving it with no room to maneuver is tantamount to ensuring that it fails. It is like preparing the ground for asking the Government to resign when it fails to accomplish a mission impossible.“
Kh.Temuujin, DP MP
“No understanding will be reached by imposing terms and conditions foreign to international practice. Once Mongolians find out the highest royalty rate in the world, they want to get the same, not caring about different ground realities. If we continue to be stubborn about the main five points of the agreement there will be a deadlock. When we are negotiating, we cannot demand benefits only for Mongolia. Comparisons with Erdenet are irrelevant, as what we can ask a state-owned corporation to do will not be acceptable to international private investors.“
Kh.Narankhuu, MPRP MP.
“Anybody can write a postcard to an MP, so I have nothing against the letter from Ivanhoe Mines and Rio Tinto to all of us. However, I did not like either the contents or the tenor of the letter. It seemed to me they were instructing us on what to do about our economy. Also, by telling us that if we fail to make a deal with them, Mongolia would be forced into isolation, dependent on its two neighbors, the writers were improperly trying to coerce us into accepting their agenda. A company should not send ultimatums to MPs.”
G.Zandanshatar, MPRP MP.
“Any company can write to lawmakers but Ivanhoe Mines and Rio Tinto have shown disrespect to Parliament, tantamount to meddling in its affairs, by stating in the letter that Parliament should review its resolution. Is Parliament to learn from them that what it decided was inappropriate for the country it represents?“
Ts. Sharavdorj, Head of the Parliament Secretariat.
“Do not expect any agreement immediately only because Parliament has directed us to sign one. The entire situation has been made uncertain and fluid. There are several thorny issues to be negotiated, or renegotiated, and we cannot anticipate what the investors’ response will be. I cannot say how long the fresh talks will continue nor whether the parties at the table would remain the same. Rio Tinto has repeatedly expressed its unhappiness at the continued protraction of the negotiations and, therefore, when negotiations resume, we may expect some other investor talking to us.“
D.Zorigt, Minister of Minerals and Energy.
“We carefully followed the discussion in Parliament of the draft Oyu Tolgoi investment agreement. We would like to officially meet with you and answer your questions if you, dear Member of Parliament, have any questions or concerns related to the Agreement or to the Oyu Tolgoi project implementation at this important moment when the agreement is being negotiated.
“Rio Tinto assumes that the draft Agreement discussed with the coalition Government will not only be the first step to an exceptional leap in economic and social development but will also launch a new era of responsible use of Mongolian minerals resources by way of creating thousands of jobs, opening up business opportunities, and developing infrastructure.
“This is not a decision about today. This will be a decision made by current representatives chosen by the Mongolian people about the future of succeeding generations of Mongolians.
“We think that Mongolia has come to a crossroads. One way will attract foreign investment, develop a world class mining sector, strengthen an independent economy and create an open economy and society. The other way will lead to a closed economy with the faith of investors and donors belied, limiting the scope of industry, and to direct dependence on its neighbors. Your choice of whether to support the Oyu Tolgoi investment agreement or to be against it will determine the way Mongolia treads for the long term.
“We hope that you will give us the opportunity to exchange views in the near future.“
Full text of the letter sent by Rio Tinto and Ivanhoe Mines on July 27 to all Members of the Mongolian Parliament individually.
“Рио Тинто“, “Айвенхоу Майнз“-ын захирлууд УИХ-ын дарга, Байнгын хороодын дарга, зарим гишүүдийн нэр дээр итгэмжлэх захидал илгээсэн билээ. Түүний хариуг УИХ-аас долдугаар сарын 07-ны өдөр өгчээ. Уг захидалд:
“Рио Тинто“ компанийн худалдаа эрхэлсэн захирал Сэм Риггалл,
Айвенхоу Майнз компанийн хуулийн асуудал эрхэлсэн захирал Жон Фониани нар танаа
Та бүхний 2009 оны долдугаар сарын 27-ны өдрийн Улсын Их Хурлын нэр бүхий зарим гишүүдэд ирүүлсэн Оюу толгойн хөрөнгө оруулалтын гэрээний төслийн талаарх хувийн итгэмжлэгдсэн захидалтай холбогдох Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүд танилцсан болно.
Монгол Улсын Засгийн газраас өргөн мэдүүлсэн Оюутолгойн орд газрыг ашиглах хөрөнгө оруулалтын гэрээний төслийг Улсын Их Хурал хэлэлцэн тогтоол гаргаж, гэрээ байгуулах эрхийг Засгийн газартаа олгосон билээ. Ийм болохоор Та бүхний захидалдаа бичсэнчлэн “Оюу толгой төслийг хэрэгжүүлэхтэй холбоотой асуулт, санаа зовоож буй зүйл“ гэгчээ Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүдтэй уулзаж хариулт өгөх биш, харин Монгол Улсын Засгийн газарт хандаж, санал солилцох боломж нээлттэй болсныг юуны өмнө тэмдэглэе.
Захидлын агуулга, утга санааг бид цаашид олон жил хамтран ажиллах сайн нөхөр, түншийн талаас, мөн Оюутолгойн орд газар нь манай улсын ирээдүйн хөгжилд ач холбогдолтойн үүднээс аль болохоор ойлгохыг хичээж байгаа хэдий ч эл захидалд дурдсан зарим асуудал нь Оюутолгойн орд газрыг ашиглах Хөрөнгө оруулалтын гэрээний төслийн талаар яригдаж буй зүйлүүдээс илүү их эргэлзээ төрүүлэхэд хүргэхээр бичигдсэнд харамсч байна. Учир нь Монгол төрийн тусгаар тогтнол, хөгжлийн замыг хөндлөнгөөс заах гэсэн оролдлого гэж үзэхээр байна. Тусгаар тогтносон Монгол Улсын төрийн эрх барих, хууль тогтоох дээд байгууллагад ард түмнийхээ итгэлийг хүлээн ажиллаж байгаа Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүдэд ийнхүү эрээ цээргүй шахалт үзүүлэх болсон нь улс төрийн хийгээд бизнесийн наад захын соёл танай компаниудад дутагдах болсныг илтгэнэ.
Та нөхөд захидалдаа “Монгол улс салаа замын эхэнд ирээд байна“ гэжээ. Монгол Улс, Монголын ард түмэн 20-иод жилийн өмнөөс өөрсдийн сонголтыг хийж шинэ Үндсэн хуулиа батлан хөгжлийн чиг хандлагаа тодорхойлон ардчилал, зах зээлийн харилцааг эргэлт буцалтгүй сонгосон нь эдүгээ олон улсын хэмжээнд аль хэдийнэ хүлээн зөвшөөрөгдсөн билээ. Ийм болохоор манай улсын хөгжлийн замыг аль нэг компани тодорхойлох шаардлагатай гэж үзэхгүй байгаа бөгөөд Монголын төр, ард түмэн гадны оролцоо зааварчлагагүйгээр өөрсдөө шийдэх эрхтэй болохыг Та бүхэнд сануулж байна.
Монголын төрд дарамт шахалт үзүүлэх гэсэн нэн зохимжгүй өнгө аяс цухалзуулсан энэ захидлыг Рио Тинто, Айвенхоу майнз компаниудын дээд удирдлагуудын албан ёсны байр суурь гэдэгт итгэхгүй байна. Энэ захидал харин ч дэлхийд алдартай гэж монголчууд эдүгээ итгэж байгаа Рио Тинто компанийн нэр хүндийг Монголын олон нийтийн дунд унагах хортой юм.
Ийнхүү бүдүүлэг алхам хийснийхээ төлөө Та бүхэн Монгол Улсын Их Хурлын гишүүдээс уучлалт гуйх ёстой гэж үзэж байна. Рио Тинто, Айвенхоу майнз компаниуд нь Монгол Улсын хууль тогтоомжийг хүндэтгэн, манай Засгийн газартай харилцан ашигтай гэрээ байгуулж, хамтран ажиллана гэдэгт итгэж байна“ гэжээ. Захидалд УИХ-ын Тамгын газрын нарийн бичгийн дарга С.Магнайсүрэн гарын үсэг зурсан байна.