Эрдсийг эрдэнэст
Ирээдүйг өндөр хөгжилд
Mining The Resources
Minding the future

“We also want the Mongolia-IMF agreement to be continued for another two years.”

“Parliament is well aware of the need to keep to the agreement with the IMF, but the current economic and social situation in the country does not allow us a chance to put any extra budget income into a special fund. We hope the IMF would understand that political imperatives in a democracy at times make it impossible to ignore widespread popular pressure, and would appreciate why the revised budget seems to infringe the terms of the agreement. We also want the Mongolia-IMF agreement to be continued for another two years.”

D. Demberel, Speaker of Parliament.

“People need to be convinced that the Government and other authorities are serious about eradicating corruption and that our words are not empty rhetoric. Bureaucracy and lack of transparency in administration nourish corruption. Let us work behind glass walls behind which nothing can be hidden. It is not that nothing has been achieved, but the measures adopted have to be much more effective.”      

                                                                               S.Batbold, Prime Minister.

“Mongolia risks returning to the boom-and-bust cycle of the pre-crisis years if expenditures were to continue to rise in step with mining-related revenues. Fiscal consolidation is necessary, given the difficult financing conditions projected for the next few years, and especially because 2011 will be a difficult year for the budget as the Windfall Profits Tax will have been abolished.”

The World Bank

“The Parliament resolution to establish a copper smelter should be seen basically as an expression of intent, as the country is in no position to start work on one within the stipulated time. The Government just does not have the money for this and there are other complicated problems like choice of location and meeting the massive power needs of a smelter. Also, until Oyu Tolgoi and Tavan Tolgoi come into full production and offer alternative freight, the national economy cannot afford the loss of the copper ore revenue for the railway.”

Kh.Narankhuu, MPRP MP.


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