“If ever there was a country that lost the lottery on neighbours, it was Mongolia, sandwiched between a sometimes hostile, bullying Russia and an even more bullying China.”
Michael Rubin, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and former Pentagon adviser.
“What we have achieved may not be perfect, economically or politically, as everything can be better if we had all the time in the world. But we have to develop Tavan Tolgoi quickly and we cannot afford to be held back by the populism of politicians.”
S. Batbold, Prime Minister.
“Here in Mongolia we need to strike a balance. How to be sensible but also populist -- yes, we face this tension.”
Ms. S Oyun, MP.
“The talk about shares to every Mongolian citizen is just to show that politicians are implementing their election promises. Politicians are only promoting the IPO because they promised to do so during the last election, but there is a lack of voice from critical experts or financial analysts on whether this IPO is the right way.”
D. Jargalsaikhan, economist.
“We are very aware Oyu Tolgoi is transforming Mongolia’s economy. Capital spending on the project’s first stage alone is equal to Mongolia’s annual gross domestic product.”
David Paterson, Vice President for Regional Development and Communications, Oyu Tolgoi LLC.
“When the deal was signed by the Government with Ivanhoe Mines and Rio Tinto to develop Oyu Tolgoi, 803 years of Mongolia’s history came to an end and a new era began.”
Unnamed banker quoted in media reports.
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