Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade G.Zandanshatar talks about the economic foreign relations program aimed at attracting and facilitating foreign participation in the economic development of Mongolia.
What is the objective of the economic foreign relations program?
It is quite wide. On the one hand, the program seeks to provide both the impetus and the implements to our diplomatic missions to give a prime place to economic issues in their work. On the other, foreign channels will now be more extensively utilized to help in our economic development. It will also be instrumental in establishing stronger economic relations with countries with which our political ties are right now more significant.
What is the agenda of the program? How would you promote it abroad?
The program plan has been published in MMJ issues No.15 and No.16. It contains guidelines for cooperation in priority projects with countries identified for their importance in helping our economic development. In other words, we know what to talk with whom. The choice, of both countries and projects, has been made by the Foreign Ministry, but not just on its own. We have studied proposals submitted by all Ministries during the past year. However, the negotiations are the responsibility of the Foreign Ministry and its agents, especially our Embassies abroad. It is their job to see that the around 380 projects and programs are accepted for implementation.
We have been, and shall be, promoting the relevant parts of the program during high profile visits, at meetings of inter-governmental commissions and consultative councils, and also at round table meetings. The private sector must also be involved.
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