The Hong Kong Exchange has released new
listing rules for Mineral Companies. The rule changes, which came into
effect on June 03, 2010 have made easier for developers to list.
This Chapter sets out additional listing conditions, disclosure
requirements and continuing obligations for Mineral Companies. The
additional disclosure requirements and continuing obligations will apply
to a listed issuer which becomes a Mineral Company by undertaking a
Relevant Notifi able Transaction involving the acquisition of Mineral or
Petroleum Assets. Certain continuing obligations will apply to listed
issuers that publish details of Resources and/or Reserves.
The main headings are:
18.01 Defi nitions and interpretation
18.02-18.04 Conditions for listing of new applicant Mineral Companies
18.05-18.08 Contents of listing documents for new applicants
18.09-18.13 Relevant Notifi able Transactions involving the acquisition or disposal of
Mineral or Petroleum Assets
18.14-18.17 Continuing obligations
18.18-18.27 Statements on Resources and/or Reserves
18.28-18.34 Reporting Standard
18.01 For the purposes of this Chapter unless otherwise stated or the context otherwise requires:—
(1) terms signifying the singular include the plural and vice versa;
(2) the term mineral includes solid fuels; and
(3) the following terms have the meanings set out below:—
“CIMVAL” Standards and Guidelines for Valuation of Mineral
Properties endorsed by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and
Petroleum, February 2003 (fi nal version) as amended from time to time.
“Competent Evaluator” a Competent Person undertaking valuations that satisfi es rule 18.23.
“Competent Person” a person that satisfi es rules 18.21 and 18.22.
“Competent Person’s Report” the public report prepared by a
Competent Person on Resources and/or Reserves, in compliance with this
Chapter (rules 18.18 to 18.33) and the applicable Reporting Standard as
modifi ed by this Chapter.
“Contingent Resources” those quantities of Petroleum estimated,
at a given date, to be potentially recoverable from known accumulations
by application of development projects, but which are not currently
considered to be commercially recoverable due to one or more
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