The BaruunNaran Coking Coal Mine of the Mongolian Mining Corporation was successfully commissioned by the State Commission comprising specialists from various government agencies on 1 February. Khangad Exploration LLC, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, is the registered holder of the mining licence, which covers an area of approximately 4,482 hectares and is valid for an initial period of 30 years from 1 December 2008.
The mine is in UmnugobiAimag, some 30 km from the UkhaaKhudag coking coal mine of the company. The company’s target is to mine one million tonnes run-of-mine coal this year from the BaruunNaran deposit. The coal will be transported to the UkhaaKhudag mine for processing at the coal handling and preparation plant there. The washed coking coal will be sold to customers in China.