Mongolian Resource Corp. is awaiting
grant of a cyanide use licence to begin operations of a 100-ton-per-day
stage I flotation plant at its project in central north Mongolia. The
company expects to begin treating its stockpiles of gold ore in early
April 2012 when temperatures rise to above -10 degrees Celsius. It has
also completed the front end engineering design work for the stage II
400-ton-per-day carbon-in-pulp gold plant, with capacity to crush up to
1,500 tons a day. Additional ball mills can be added to increase
capacity if a larger resource is defined at the project.
The Mongolian Resource mine is on the same fault system as Boroo and
Gatsuurt, which both host over two million ounces. It is a high-grade
underground project that was previously mined for three years with ore
shoot grades about 35 grams per ton of gold.