The dramatic expansion of Mongolian mine sites from initial diggings to their present size has been captured using satellite imagery for the first time by researchers at The University of Queensland’s Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI). Two videos produced using Landsat satellite imagery of Tavan Tolgoi coal mine in the South Gobi Desert and Sharyn Gol in the Northern steppe region of Mongolia show satellite footage of the mine sites, the surrounding urbanisation, new roads and illegal small-scale or ‘ninja’ mining sites.They cover an approximate 40-year time series depicting the growth and scale of impacts from mining.
UQ SMI Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM) Project Manager Isabel Cane says the videos would be used to study changes to herder community livelihoods through social changes stimulated directly and indirectly by ecological impacts.“The images visually display the mine-related environmental impacts that these sites are facing, and provide insights into the effects the mines are having on local communities,” Ms Cane said.She added that the videos would contribute to the broader goals of the research: to demonstrate changes in natural resources and to assist in predicting future sustainable development objectives for the affected communities.
The images are the first product of a two-year Australian aid project funded through the Australian Development Research Awards Scheme (ADRAS) entitled ‘Managing the impacts of minerals development on women and men and their traditional livelihoods in Mongolia’. The Australian Government has recognised Mongolia as a priority country in mining for development, with the aim to ensure that mining revenue is distributed equitably, and that social and environmental impacts are managed well.