Mongolia Mining 2017, one of the gest and most significant events in Mongolian mining industry is to be held on 5-7 April at Buyant Ukhaa Sports Palace, Ulaanbaatar city. We interviewed with T.Battulga, CEO of Minex Mongolia, the general organizer of the expo.
-What is the meaning of motto "World technologies come close"? It is quite interesting.
-This motto has given after 4-3 years of its establishment. We intented to use the motto for one expo. But today the motto has became the main motto of the “Mongolia Mining” expo. The country itself cannot handle and manage all activities of mining sector including attracting investment, expanding cooperation and supplying necessary equipment. All activities should be done at international levels. In other words, all companies operating in Mongolian mining sector can not collect all required equipment, services, products, materials and supplies from Mongolian market. In order to provide them all, the company needs to go to other countries. Meanwhile “Mongolia Mining” expo aims to bring demand and supply together at one spot, saving people`s time and money. We bring the latest technologies in our country which used in world mining sector. That is why we chose that motto.
-“Mongolia Mining” expo highlights a particular industry each year. What about this year?
-The expo covers the entire mining sector. But every year the expo highlights a particular mineral industry and promote it. This year the expo highlights coal industry. The organizers of the expo is cooperating with coal industry businesses. Also many companies which supply equipment to coal deposit are introducing their products. Major companies successfully operating in coal industry to give seminars. The expo aims to provide information on state policy of coal industry, market trends, investment and implementation of projects.
We submitted request to experts of the Ministry of Mining and Mineral Resource Authority of Mongolia to give information on current situation of mining industry and its prospects. All companies of Mongolian coal industry will attend the expo. Also daughter companies of Erdenes Mongol SOE including Baganuur JSC, Shivee-Ovoo JSC and Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi JSC will participate the expo.
-What is the feature of 7th annual expo?
-“Mongolia Mining” expo aims to keep its tradition. Mining industry has faced instability and collapse in the last 2-3 years. This year commodity prices are rising in the world market while the main export commodity prices in Mongolian mining industry has increased by 20-60 percent. As manufacturing and production increases, demand for production equipment rises. Therefore number of participants to “Mongolia Mining 2017” has risen sharply which considered as the feature of the expo. In regards, we are planning to organize special reception aiming to introduce participants, establish live communication and exchange information.
In addition, administrators of Geology and Mining School, University of the Science and Technology are cooperating with us. In regards, main museum exhibits of the Geology school to be showed at the expo providing information on geological surveys of Mongolian mineral resources sector to both foreign and domestic participants.
-How many companies have registered to attend the expo?
-This year more than 130 best mining supplier companies from China, Russia, USA, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, Kazakhstan, Czech, Australia, Belarus, Germany, Korea and France to attend the expo. Every participants from foreign countries will exhibit their country pavilions. Exhibitors are mostly producers and communications, logistics, catering, camping and rehabilitation service providers including mining suppliers, crushing plant equipment, oil and lubricants, power generator, mining cables and lighting system.
-Organization of any events could not be imagined without sponsors and supporters?
-We are happy for "Transwest Mongolia", an official distributor of Komatsu which taking part in the 7th edition of Mongolia Mining expo for the first time as a general sponsor. Wagner Asia Equipment LLC, the Dealer of Caterpiller Inc. in Mongolia serves as our gold sponsor. Moreover many companies are actively working as sponsors to our event.
-Minex Mongolia, the general organizer of the Mongolia mining expo organizes other cooperation events in mining sector. More on that, please?
-Our company runs cooperation activities in mining industry. In recent years, investment has lowered in accordance with foreign and domestic economic growth and the decline. However, our company attracted Chinese investors to Mongolian mining projects in scope of partnership agreement with Tianjin Mining Exchange. Some projects have halted due to collapse of commodity market. Also there are projects which being successfully implemented.
Minex Mongolia LLC has successfully organized “Oil & Oil Shale Mongolia” conference in 2014. The conference has set to be held in every two years. However Parliamentary election 2016 delayed the second edition of the conference. Thus, in Sep, 2017, we are planning to organize the second edition of the “Oil & Oil Shale Mongolia” conference.
-Thank you for the interview.